A credit score is a score that gives you a snapshot of your credit health. It evaluates your financial history to determine if you are creditworthy. It serves as a good indication of whether credit providers will approve your credit product applications. Just like how you need a resume when applying for a job, you also need a comprehensive financial health check-up before applying for credits/loans.
Having a good credit score will open up more financing options for you, as more credit providers will be willing to work with you. Additionally, they may offer you better rates for credit products such as home, car, and personal credits/loans. Conversely, a less than satisfactory credit score may discourage credit providers from granting you a credit / loan.
“Be credit positive” refers to maintaining a positive credit history and credit score. Having a positive credit rating indicates responsible financial behavior which makes you a low risk for credit providers when borrowing money or obtaining credit.
Keeping A Low Credit Utilization
Maintaining a mix of credit
Regularly checking your credit report
Avoiding excessive credit applications
Paying your bills on time
Select the perfect plan that aligns with your financial goals and aspirations. We offer a variety of plans tailored to suit your specific needs, whether you’re an individual looking to monitor your credit score or a business/company aiming to access comprehensive financial data.
For individuals who want to assess their financial health.
Download a MySCoRE Credit
Report sample here.
For entrepreneurs who want to identify potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.
Download a MyBizSCoRE Credit
Report sample here.
Select the perfect plan that aligns with your financial goals and aspirations. We offer a variety of plans tailored to suit your specific needs, whether you’re an individual looking to monitor your credit score or a business/company aiming to access comprehensive financial data.