A Guide To Credit Reports in Malaysia


Introduction to Credit Reports

A credit report is any information or record that has any bearing on a data subject’s eligibility to be provided with credit,  credit history over time or capacity to repay credit and may include but not limited to information on payment history, the types of accounts they hold, and other relevant public information, such as litigation records.

What Is It Used For?

The primary purpose of a credit report is to provide a comprehensive overview of an individual’s creditworthiness. Credit providers rely on these reports to make informed decisions about a person’s financial stability and their associated credit risk.

A strong credit report can lead to loan approvals and favorable interest rates, enhancing financial opportunities. In contrast, a less favorable report may result in loan denials or higher interest rates, presenting challenges in securing credit.

Credit reports also significantly influence interest rates and credit limits. These are shaped by factors like credit history, current loan balances, and the frequency of credit applications.

As such, maintaining and regularly reviewing one’s credit report is essential to accurately reflect financial health and to optimise credit opportunities.

What Does It Contain?

Personal Identifier

A credit report begins with the individual’s essential details, which include their full name, identification number (MyKad), current and previous addresses. This section is crucial for accurately linking financial records to the right person.

Credit Information

This section provides information on the various credit facilities an individual has, including credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, and hire purchase facility. This information is reported by participating financial institutions to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and made available to CBM via Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS). 

It features information such as credit limits, outstanding balances, and a 12-month history of financing and repayment history as reported by credit providers. Payment history provides information on any on-time, late, and missed payments. Information as such influences one’s credit score as none payment and/or late payments will be made available in a report for an extended period of time. Demonstrating responsible credit management through timely payments is key to maintaining a good credit score.


Other Data

In addition to credit information, credit report also includes information sourced from public database such as bankruptcy filings, legal judgments, and tax liens. These elements offer a broader view of an individual’s financial history and repayment conduct, providing critical insights for lenders and financial institutions assessing creditworthiness.

Trade Credit Information, non-bank trade credit and payment histories information is also collected by CBM. Information as such provides additional reference point for credit lenders to evaluate an individual’s credit health and profile.


All credit inquiries are also recorded, distinguishing between soft and hard inquiries. Soft inquiries, like self-checks or employer background checks, do not impact credit scores. In contrast, hard inquiries, which occur during applications for new credit, can slightly lower credit scores and are a crucial aspect of the credit assessment process.



In summary, a credit report in Malaysia is an invaluable tool, offering a window into your financial history and current standing. It’s a crucial asset for managing your financial health, whether you’re applying for a loan, seeking better interest rates, or simply aiming to keep a close eye on your financial journey.

Interested in gaining deeper insights into your financial profile? Consider purchasing a MySCoRE report. Take control of your credit by ordering your MySCoRE report and embark on a journey to a healthier financial future today!